Monday, October 8, 2012



My name is Christine, after much debate with myself I made this decision to start this blog. The idea came about a year ago, but I lacked the confidence to share my experience. I never considered myself a writer, and with all the blogs out there focused on natural hair, I questioned if people would even consider my words to be important. With the help of family, friends and few outside influences, I believe that I am able to offer encouragement and inspire people. This blog will be a positive environment where I will share my highlights and embarrassments. In addition to my personal hair experience, I also want it to be a reference point for others to grab inspiration. 

First things first, let me give you some brief history about my hair. I got my first perm at the end of 6th grade. My older sister already had a relaxer, and I wanted one too. After weeks of begging my mom, she finally gave in and allowed me to relax my hair going into 7th grade. I thought I was hot stuff, my hair was straight, bouncy, and easy to manage. Then my experimental phase began, I started coloring, cutting, and finding ways to not be bored with my straight hair. Now lets fast forward to my senior year of college. For those of you who do not know, Umass Amherst is in the middle of nowhere, surrounded my trees, and nature. It was not bad, but for my hair it was not the best case scenario. The closest salon that I was able to receive my perm was about 40 mins away. In addition, to distance, I was a broke college student that needed that $50 that would otherwise be spent on my hair, now needed to go toward surviving on campus. The summer after my college graduation, I found myself frustrated with my hair. I was done with the breakage, losing Saturdays in the salon, and spending about $200 every 3 months on my hair. February 2010, I got my last perm and began to transition.

The summer of August 2010, I made the decision to do the big chop. I transitioned for 7 months until I grew impatient with my hair. I was self conscious about how other would react to cutting my hair. The shortest I ever cut my hair was shoulder length. Although, I was nervous about the unknown, I knew this would be the best decision for me. Its been two years since my cut, and I do not regret it. I learned so much about myself by making healthy choices for my hair. Below, I wanted to share some pics of then and now. 

August 2010 // Big chop day (Harlem, NY)

1 year mark...!

2 year mark...!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Hope you visit again!

Peace, Love and Curls,
